Kimani Rucuiya is a constitutional and public law practitioner. He is an expert in public sector corporate governance and a seasoned legislative drafter. He has advised in many complex government financed transactions. He also has experience in non government organizations having worked within the civil society and participated in cementing jurisprudence on Refugee law in Kenya.
He is passionate about solving complex legal issues and development in alternative dispute resolution.
Rucuiya holds a Master of Laws in Corporate Governance from the University of Nairobi, a Bachelor of Laws from Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Post Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law, ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business from Strathmore University as well as training in
arbitration. He also has a Certificate in Senior Management Course and Management Skills Development Training from the Kenya School of Government.
He is a Member of the Law Society of Kenya and an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
He currently has board membership in companies within various sectors including water services sector, higher education and fruit & horticulture export.